史上最深沉船 美军罗伯兹号水下7千公尺寻获

二次世界大战期间沉没的美国海军「罗伯兹号」驱逐舰(图),在菲律宾外海水深将近7000公尺处寻获。Image Via Twitter@USNavy
Part of the dive on the Sammy B. It appears her bow hit the seafloor with some force, causing some buckling. Her stern also separated about 5 meters on impact, but the whole wreck was together. This small ship took on the finest of the Japanese Navy, fighting them to the end. pic.twitter.com/fvi6uB0xUQ
— Victor Vescovo (@VictorVescovo) June 24, 2022
法新社和英国广播公司(BBC)报导,罗伯兹号(USS Samuel B Roberts)1944年10月25日在菲律宾中部萨马岛(Samar)外海的战斗中沉没,当时美军与日军作战,期能收复在日军占领下的殖民地菲律宾。
德州卡拉丹海洋科学探测公司(Caladan Oceanic)表示,一个载人潜水器在本月8天期间内多次下潜,对罗伯兹号的破旧舰体进行影片拍摄、照相以及探勘,拍到了舰上的3管鱼雷发射器以及砲座。
驾驶潜水器的卡拉丹公司创办人韦斯柯沃(Victor Vescovo)在推特发文说:「船舰躺在海平面以下6895公尺处,是至今所发现和探勘过最深的船舰。」
Some additional photos from the Sammy B. The bow, the fallen mast, the gap between fore and aft where she was hit by a battleship round, and the aft turret . . . where the brave and mortally wounded GM3 Paul H. Carr died trying to place a final round into the broken breech. pic.twitter.com/3VcZoZyPo3
— Victor Vescovo (@VictorVescovo) June 25, 2022
本新闻授权来自中央通讯社 cna.com.tw