喜迎农历新年 🎊 Panda Express 推出$29全家套餐,还有熊猫闯关赢优惠券的网页游戏!
为了庆祝最为喜庆、华人最重视的农历新年,Panda Express 现正推出$29全家套餐!
For just $29, the Family Meal lets you get everyone's favorites this #LunarNewYear. So what's going in yours? pic.twitter.com/5ZVIVNFSyc
— Panda Express (@PandaExpress) January 5, 2022
除此之外,Panda Express 还为大家推出了小熊猫闯关赢优惠券的网页游戏。
只要登录 pandalny.com,带领小熊猫一路闯关,就能赢取 Panda Express 的相关优惠券。
Experience #LunarNewYear like never before! Because at the #GoodFortuneArcade, you’ll be able to unlock real-life rewards you can enjoy with your friends & fam! Start playing now at https://t.co/TnF9PkcjZf! pic.twitter.com/p2lMIDgmY5
— Panda Express (@PandaExpress) January 7, 2022
Panda Express 不仅有美味的菜式陪伴着你,还有乐趣无穷的小游戏,你还等什么!?快来试试吧~
资讯来源:Panda Express 编译:Roner
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