叙利亚奇蹟女婴生于瓦砾堆 震后遗孤数千人愿收养[影]
The moment a child was born 👶 His mother was under the rubble of the earthquake in Aleppo, Syria, and she died after he was born , The earthquake.
May God give patience to the people of #Syria and #Turkey and have mercy on the victims of the #earthquake#الهزه_الارضيه #زلزال pic.twitter.com/eBFr6IoWaW— Talha Ch (@Talhaofficial01) February 6, 2023
负责照顾阿亚的儿科医师马罗夫(Hani Marouf)表示:「阿亚周一到院时情况非常糟糕,身上有肿块、瘀伤,而且全身冰冷,几乎快没了呼吸。」
阿亚获救的影片在社群媒体上疯传,影片中,一名男子从断垣残壁中冲出来,怀里抱着浑身是灰的婴儿,之后由人在现场的远亲苏瓦迪(Khalil al-Suwadi)将婴儿送医治疗。
"We cleared the dust and found the baby with the umbilical cord [intact], so we cut it and my cousin took her to the hospital," Khalil al-Suwadi, a relative, said.#MiracleBaby ♥️#TurkeySyriaEarthquake #هزة_أرضية #قيصر_يمنع_الإنقاذ pic.twitter.com/azWXNT3XlJ
— Fatima Haydar || فاطمة حيدر (@fatimahaydar77) February 8, 2023
医院经理阿提亚(Khalid Attiah)说,世界各地许多民众纷纷来电希望领养阿亚,但「目前我不会让任何人领养她,在她的远亲回来前,我会将她视如己出」。
“We heard a voice while we were digging,” cousin Khalil al-Suwadi told the AFP on Tuesday. “We cleared the dust and found the baby with the umbilical cord (intact), so we cut it and my cousin took her to hospital.”
— laki0814 (@laki0814) February 8, 2023
本新闻授权来自中央通讯社 cna.com.tw