Yogurtland 再推植物酸奶冰淇淋 新口味 Blueberry Pancake Frozen Yogurt 限时开卖

Courtesy of Yogurtland
Yogurtland 近日推出了一款灵感来自早餐美食的植物酸奶冰淇淋 Blueberry Pancake Frozen Yogurt 蓝莓煎饼风味酸奶冰淇淋,在夏日热炎炎的早晨也能为顾客带来清凉体验。
Blueberry Pancake Frozen Yogurt 由燕麦奶和蓝莓制成,尝起来除了香浓的蓝莓鲜果味道外,还带着一股燕麦奶的植物清香风味。
✨ONLINE EXCLUSIVE✨ Our new Sunny Side Up Cup is made with our Blueberry Pancake flavor, fresh banana, strawberry slices, and limited-time gummy fried eggs. Available through June 5 exclusively on the #Yogurtland website, mobile app, and select 3rd-party delivery providers! pic.twitter.com/qc8TKLu9mq
— Yogurtland (@Yogurtland) May 16, 2022
另外,Yogurtland 还为此发布了一款独家冰淇淋杯 Sunny Side Up Cup,它里面除了有全新的 Blueberry Pancake Frozen Yogurt,还配上了新鲜的香蕉、草莓水果片以及限时供应的“煎蛋”软糖,可爱又美味,给顾客一个活力满满的早餐。
这款独特的 Sunny Side Up Cup 需通过 Yogurtland 网站、Yogurtland 移动应用程序或部分第三方商家才能购买,限时销售至6月5日,喜欢的朋友记得不要错过哦!
资讯来源:Yogurtland 编译整理:Roner
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