12 | 隔离八周隔了啥?
。这就是我们所有的成就了, 我们努力了8周,但蠢人太多,阻止不了。
We didn’t so much “flatten the curve”; as “suppress the stupid”.
For about 2 months, we managed to keep the most ignorant Americans from disregarding direction.
That’s all we’re gonna get. We held back the stupid for 8 wks but there is too much stupid and it can’t be held back.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) May 14, 2020
13 | 我的婚姻
疫情令许多婚姻陷入困境,但对某些人来讲反而促进了两人的关系。 我很幸运能有一个最爱我的妻子, 昨晚我醒来时,她正紧紧地拿枕头压着我的脸,以助我免于感染新冠病毒。
The quarantine has strained many marriages but for some of us it has enhanced our relationships. I’m lucky to have the most loving wife. Last night I woke up while she was holding a pillow tightly over my face to protect me from COVID 19.
— Dustmeister626 (@DelightfulDrD) May 2, 2020
14 | 隔离板
15 | Simba
在 Zoom 会议的镜头前,我抱起了家里的小猫咪,立马羣臣来贺,万国来朝。
16 | 尖叫之夜
17 | 汉堡的社交疏离
A customer called asking if we were practicing social distancing with her sandwiches. I told her we are, but tbh guys I’m running out of space. from funny
18 | 夏天到
Flip flop season in Brampton is now!
Posted by Brampton Memes on Friday, May 1, 2020
19 | 包裹
我如今唯一的爱好和热忱就是追踪包裹… 同好按赞。
My only current hobby and passion is tracking packages
— Mariya Alexander (@MariyaAlexander) April 8, 2020
20 | 疫情第二波
以上资讯来自boredpanda.com,由 WaCow 综合整理。
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