电Gadget:iPad Light Painting: Making Future Magic 神奇的光影涂鸦

| March 22, 2011

iPad Light Painting

“Making Future Magic” is the goal of Dentsu London, the creative communications agency. We made this film with them to explore this statement.

Read more: http://berglondon.com/blog/2010/09/14/magic-ipad-light-painting/

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Making Future Magic: iPad light painting

This film explores playful uses for the increasingly ubiquitous ‘glowing rectangles’ that inhabit the world.

We use photographic and animation techniques that were developed to draw moving 3-dimensional typography and objects with an iPad. In dark environments, we play movies on the surface of the iPad that extrude 3-d light forms as they move through the exposure. Multiple exposures with slightly different movies make up the stop-frame animation.

We've collected some of the best images from the project and made a book of them you can buy: http://bit.ly/mfmbook

Read more at the Dentsu London blog:
and at the BERG blog:

有iPad的朋友,你都拿它来作甚么呢?上网、看电影、打电动···,应该不少人都是以娱乐为主吧,可是你可曾想过iPad也能化身为涂鸦客手中的画笔,以光影涂鸦的方式在夜晚或暗处活泼乱跳起来?这是创意行销公司Dentsu London与BERG携手所玩出的定格动画(Stop-Motion)短片《Making Future Magic: iPad light painting》,利用唉配的、长时间曝光摄影、与动画技术打造出这个超酷的效果;关于细节,就由影片来告诉你囉。

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