Tag: 復古

30多年來 美國人購買黑膠唱片首次超越CD

30多年來 美國人購買黑膠唱片首次超越CD

| March 10, 2023 | 0 Comments


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第55屆加州國際古董書展將於本週末在 Pasadena 舉辦(2/10-2/12)

第55屆加州國際古董書展將於本週末在 Pasadena 舉辦(2/10-2/12)

| February 6, 2023 | 0 Comments

喜愛古董收藏的文青盛會 📚

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陳布朗攜「本土天團」玖壹壹打造台式復古舞曲〈恰查某〉 防疫在家跳恰恰

陳布朗攜「本土天團」玖壹壹打造台式復古舞曲〈恰查某〉 防疫在家跳恰恰

| June 11, 2021 | 0 Comments

One and Two👯 恰恰恰

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復古越野重現 Ford Bronco 將於7月13日發佈

復古越野重現 Ford Bronco 將於7月13日發佈

| July 10, 2020 | 0 Comments


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Long Beach Antique Market 長灘古玩市集 (3/15-12/20)

Long Beach Antique Market 長灘古玩市集 (3/15-12/20)

| March 3, 2020

Long Beach 每個月的戶外古董市集,熱愛挖寶的朋友們不要錯過喔!

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Long Beach 硬幣、郵票與收藏品展 (2/20-22)

Long Beach 硬幣、郵票與收藏品展 (2/20-22)

| February 10, 2020


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Bargain Camera Shows 攝影相機展 (2/2,2/9)

Bargain Camera Shows 攝影相機展 (2/2,2/9)

| January 30, 2020


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California International Antiquarian Book Fair 第53屆加州國際古書展 (2/7-9)

California International Antiquarian Book Fair 第53屆加州國際古書展 (2/7-9)

| January 22, 2020 | 0 Comments


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The Grand National Roadster Show 充滿古色古香情調的Pomona骨董車展 (1/24-26)

The Grand National Roadster Show 充滿古色古香情調的Pomona骨董車展 (1/24-26)

| January 15, 2020 | 0 Comments


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跟上泳裝趨勢! 五大修飾身型必備的心機款式

跟上泳裝趨勢! 五大修飾身型必備的心機款式

| June 28, 2019 | 0 Comments


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