英国10月 GDP 成长0.5% 女王国丧假期后经济反弹
英国政府公布的官方数据显示,英国GDP在9月大幅下滑后,10月成长了0.5%,部分原因是女王伊丽莎白二世(Queen Elizabeth II)国丧假期后经济出现反弹。
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said gross domestic product (GDP) grew by a bigger-than-expected 0.5% between September and October – but the UK is still facing a prolonged recession https://t.co/IT1XwcZG3U
— LBC News (@LBCNews) December 12, 2022
法新社报导,根据英国国家统计局(Office for National Statistics,ONS),在公司行号因为王室丧礼而停业后,英国9月国内生产毛额(GDP)下滑0.6%,第3季经济萎缩0.2%。
英国国家统计局经济统计主管摩根(Darren Morgan)表示,国内经济特别受到汽车销售成长的提振,汽车销售在非常惨淡的9月后出现反弹,而医疗卫生产业也历经成长强劲的一个月份。
UK gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 0.3% between August and October compared with the three months to July 2022, new data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) revealed. https://t.co/RgPtAc0Qbk pic.twitter.com/i1bOT6Wi9o
— Drapers (@Drapers) December 12, 2022
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