有孩子的家庭或將額外獲$500紓困金!州長 Newsom 計劃擴大 Golden State Stimulus
州長 Newsom 又將宣布新經濟復甦計劃~ 數百萬加州居民或將能收到新的紓困金!

Screenshot via @California Governor Gavin Newsom / YouTube
Gavin Newsom 在5月10日(週一)上午10點的新聞發布會上公佈了他的經濟復甦計劃。他提出要向更多的加州居民發送新的紓困金~
LIVE NOW: Governor @GavinNewsom unveils his $100 billion California Comeback Plan to help California emerge from the pandemic stronger than before. https://t.co/ZVkAztYvyy
— Office of the Governor of California (@CAgovernor) May 10, 2021
NEW: CA will be expanding the Golden State Stimulus to middle class families — creating the biggest state tax rebate in US history.
2 out of every 3 Californians will now benefit from a stimulus check of at least $600. And families with kids will now get an additional $500.
— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) May 10, 2021
延伸閱讀:加州低收入居民完成2020年度報稅後 可領$600 或$1200紓困金!
此舉將創造 “美國歷史上最大的州退稅”。該計劃的目的是幫助加州從這場疫情中走出來,變得比以前更強大。如果這項計劃獲得批准,它將擴大向低收入居民發送$600紓困金的 “Golden State Stimulus “(金州刺激計劃),使更多年收入不超過$75000的居民受益。
此外,在5月9日(母親節),Gavin Newsom 在一段視頻中宣布,他還要求立法機構在全州範圍內增加10萬個托兒所名額,並增加數百萬的州政府資金來支持托兒所和家庭。
CA moms deserve more support. Whether it’s as caregivers or breadwinners.
We’re expanding childcare supports across the state and adding 100,000 child care slots — the largest expansion of its kind — and investing millions more for child care providers. pic.twitter.com/SHH5kl31v0
— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) May 9, 2021
資訊來源:KTLA 編譯整理:劉二小
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