国庆日吃BBQ、看烟火、还有「夜间水族馆」可逛! (7/4)
Image via Aquarium of the Pacific Facebook
Queen Mary 的国庆烟火可说是众所周知,然而现在又有一个国庆日好去处,那就是去邻近的 Aquarium of the Pacific 吃烤肉啦!
在全民疯国庆的夜晚,你可以带着家人好友来到 Aquarium of the Pacific,在晚间亲眼目睹水族馆的另类氛围,享用水族馆新鲜烧烤的美味食物,并可以大幅度、大广角地欣赏 Queen Mary 烟花表演的壮丽景观。
Image via JpluW
Image via JpluW
【Aquarium of the Pacific – July 4th BBQ】
时间:5pm – 10pm
地点:Aquarium of the Pacific
地均:100 Aquarium Way at Shoreline Dr Long Beach
- BBQ (includes admission):
Public: Adult $79 and Child (3-11) $43
Member: Adult $64 and Child (3-11) $28 - SOLD OUT VIP BBQ Seating (includes admission):
Public: Adult $94 and Child (3-11) $53
Member: Adult $79 and Child (3-11) $38 - Late Night Admission starting at 5 pm:
$19.95 for adults, seniors, and children (3-11)
Free for Aquarium members