3rd Generation Omakase $40 Promo 奢华套餐现正供应中

| October 20, 2017 | 0 Comments


808 West 7th St,
Los Angeles, CA 90017

(213) 627-8166

座落在洛杉矶繁华的经融市中心的 3rd generation 日本料理店目前店内已开始供应 Omakase 奢华套餐,由店内日本主厨 Toshi 师傅及 Goto 师傅来为饕客挑选最优质、最时令的食材,也是很多美食家品味日本料理的「最高境界」。


在这段限时供应的期间,顾客上门点用 Omakase 奢华套餐,内容包括 12 道精心制作的寿司,随餐还附赠味噌汤及甜点,每人只要 $40 美金,物超所值。

现正供应每日晚上 5:00 PM – 10 PM, 直到 11/30/2017 即止。(仅限洛杉矶门市)


808 West 7th St,
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 627-8166

Valid only at 3rd generation Los Angeles. Dine in only during dinner 5pm-10pm. 10/18/17-11/30/17 Limit (1) per guest. Cannot be combined with any other specials or discounts. 3rd Generation Los Angeles reserves the right to end this offer at any time without further notice other restrictions may apply. For more info call (213) 627-8166 or visit www.3rdgenerationusa.com




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