Mamba out?! Kobe “抓鬼特攻隊” 闖進NBA總冠軍賽!!

| June 3, 2016 | 0 Comments


才在生涯最後一場比賽以60分光榮退休的”老大” Kobe Bryant,還是一種完全閒不下來的節奏,就連NBA總冠軍系列戰他也要參一腳!

Kobe Bryant on set for a Ghostbusters commercial on April 29, 2016 in Los Angeles. (Photo by Jed Jacobsohn for the Players' Tribune)

Photo by Jed Jacobsohn for the Players’ Tribune


Kobe Bryant on set for a Ghostbusters commercial on April 29, 2016 in Los Angeles. (Photo by Jed Jacobsohn for the Players' Tribune)Photo by Jed Jacobsohn for the Players’ Tribune


這支為 Ghostbuster 抓鬼特攻隊拍攝的宣傳影片,就在昨天NBA總冠軍系列戰的直播中播送~ Kobe帥氣的外表果然適合在螢光幕前出現啊!

Kobe Bryant on set for a Ghostbusters commercial on April 29, 2016 in Los Angeles. (Photo by Jed Jacobsohn for the Players' Tribune)Photo by Jed Jacobsohn for the Players’ Tribune

據說取景就在老大的新公司 Kobe Inc. ,氣派的裝潢與象徵的黑曼巴掛畫讓老大看起來就像個霸氣總裁啊! (覺得適合拍 fifty shades of black XD)

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