感人! 雙親在畢業典禮前過世,在台下為他鼓掌的竟是…

| June 1, 2015

This was such a special moment. Thank you class of 2015 for making this such a memorable occasion for our family. So proud of you @kazz418 I love you so much. Throughout all of this you have been so strong and we are so proud of you. Thank you for being such a great brother. I am so excited to see what the future holds for you. I know mom and bubba are so proud of you. Again, love you brother and thank you for being who you are.Kazzie Portie

Posted by Blake Henning on Saturday, May 30, 2015

Kazzie Portie 的父母 Riley and Emily Portie 在5月24日騎乘摩托車外出時,被一名酒後駕駛的車輛撞擊致死,當時值勤的警察 Eric Ellison上門告知他們的小兒子Kazzie這個噩耗。

當 Eric Ellison 得知過幾天就是畢業典禮,於是決定替 Kazzie 的父母在台下為他鼓掌!



Credit: Buzzfeed

Ellison實現諾言,參加了 Little Cypress–Mauriceville High School 的畢業典禮,等著 Kazzie 領完證書後給他一個大大的擁抱。


Credit: Buzzfeed

在 Kazzie 走上台時,全場起立鼓掌,他的哥哥 Blake Henning 感動的說「這是一個特別的時刻,謝謝2015畢業生們讓這一刻如此值得紀念」

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