Omg!Pasadena最酷的餐厅Picnik宣布关闭 正在寻找新位置~
We have known several months that we were going to lose the lease for PICNIK Pasadena. We have been shopping for a new location in hopes that we could announce the new home before we had to vacate the space, but we have not found a new home that we believe is the perfect fit for the concept. PICNIK closed to the public Sunday night. We hope to announce new locations as soon as possible.
We would like to sincerely thank you for your support of PICNIK and PUNCH. We are proud that both concepts enjoyed an extremely successful run, but oftentimes business necessitates that we make difficult decisions and moves.
Please DO stay tuned, as we hope to have some very exciting news for PUNCH, and PICNIK coming soon.So we’ve reached the bottom of the bowl… Our PUNCH FAMILY feels honored and privileged to have served the City Of Pasadena. We can’t thank everyone enough for the fun and support we’ve received. We hope that our passion and love for what we do has been felt by all of you who have walked through our “Red Door”. Till next time…
资料来源:eater la
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