(史上最强)美国男子被困Vegas机场 没事找事做自拍Celine Dion的All By Myself MV

| June 12, 2014

相信很多人都非常讨厌长时逗留在机场,无论是飞机 Delay 又或是机票出问题,等待的时候总让人抓狂!这样的时候你都会做什么?看剧集?玩游戏还是….你会学这个影片中的主人公吗?

可怜的主人公 Richard Dunn 被迫逗留在空无一人的 Las Vegas ‘McCarran Airport 即到第二天早上,无聊极透的他只好拿出自己的 iPhone 重拍 Celine Dion 于 1996 年推出的 MV “All By Myself”。


可能看完这个影片后你会说:「是有人帮他拿手机吧?」,但这个影片的确是由 Richard Dunn 自己拍摄的!Richard Dunn 表示他向机场一位职员借了一卷胶纸,然后将手机贴在轮椅的长手柄开始拍摄,有的时候他会把轮椅放在自动行人道,这样就能拍出推拉镜头(Dolly Shot)。另外他也会把手机贴在他的随身行理扶手上,也会把东西塞在包包上为求拍摄出最佳的角度,实在是太有创意了!

“I had a person behind a ticket counter give me a roll of luggage tape before she left. I then used a wheel chair that had a tall pole on the back of it and taped my iPhone to that. Then I would put it on the moving walkway for a dolly shot. I also used the extended handle on my computer bag and taped the iPhone to my handle. I would tuck different stuff under the bag to get the right angle. For the escalator shot I had to sprint up the steps after I got my shot so the computer bag didn’t hit the top and fall back down. Quite fun!”


 Youtube Link 给用手机看不到的朋友们!小编又一次觉得自己很贴心~


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