MAC 2014矿物眼影新色-Mineralize Eyeshadow Quads

| January 2, 2014


MAC 这次为2014年春日彩妆推出的矿物眼影彩盘的选色都好美喔!它家旗下的矿物眼影采用了77种矿物不伤皮肤,其独特顺滑感更让人爱不释手,而且每一款颜色都非常出色,无论是单用或是打造渐变妆容都没问题!这次的一组4色眼影彩盘分别有6款选择,适合任何肤色的亲民色系~



Mineralize Eyeshadow Quads $44USD

  • A Party of Pastels Four coordinated colours from pastel pink to soft violet
  • A Medley of Mauves Four coordinated colours from deep eggplant to icy pearl pink
  • A Glimmer of Gold Four coordinated colours from soft gold to copper bronze
  • A Harvest of Greens Four coordinated colours from green olive to blackened burgundy
  • A Sprinkle of Blues Four coordinated colours from intense navy to deep blue
  • A Waft of Grey Four coordinated colours from dark charcoal to white frost

推荐使用 MAC 推出的 286 Duo Fibre Tapered Blending 与及 287 Duo Fibre Eye Shadow Brushes 来使用这款矿物眼影!


有报导称全线已经可以在 MAC 官网购入囉!可是小编都没有找到,有最新消息将会向大家公布!


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