Napa Valley 頂級巴西牛排館擴展到爾灣設餐廳啦🥩

The salad bar with floral arrangements at Galpão Gaucho.

Dining area with marble and stone wall accents, hanging chandeliers.

The main dining area.

Gaucho artwork along the far wall.

The bar with sports showing in the televisions.
Galpão Gaucho 的設計還原了巴西南部的農村棚屋風格,餐廳的設計致力於展現高卓文化的精髓,內部裝潢融合了鄉村倉棚和波紋金屬建築的風格,搭配木質裝潢和暖色燈光,營造出舒適溫馨的用餐氛圍!!重現了巴西南部農舍「Galpão」(棚屋)的溫馨氛圍,成為音樂、家庭聚會和烤肉(churrasco)盛宴的聚集地。

More salad bar.
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