
| September 12, 2024 | 0 Comments



Line 火灾于 9 月 5 日在 Highland 附近开始,截至 9 月 11 日当地时间上午 7 点左右,已燃烧 34,659 英亩,仅控制了约 14%。超过 65,600 栋建筑面临火灾威胁,数个社区已发布了疏散命令和警告!!

The Line Fire slows for the evening after a sudden a late-season monsoon rainstorm temporarily halted its 4,000-foot elevation climb up to the edge of mountain communities on September 7, 2024 near Running Springs, California. Three of California’s most recently ignited wildfires produced smoke plumes visible from space earlier this week. Getty



资讯来源: ABC7

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