多伦多机场爆窃盗案 2000万加币黄金不翼而飞
A security expert says the theft of more than $20 million worth of gold and other high-value goods from Toronto Pearson International Airport likely required insider knowledge of the airport's operations. https://t.co/oMEd1oy4oN
— CityNews Toronto (@CityNewsTO) April 21, 2023
路透社报导,皮尔地区督察杜伊夫泰恩(Stephen Duivesteyn)在记者会说,这批货物据传是在17日傍晚运抵机场后不翼而飞。
Authorities are looking for about $14.77 million worth of gold and other high-value goods that were stolen from a holding cargo facility at Toronto Pearson International Airport, according to police. https://t.co/VGfRt7tXgc
— ABC News (@ABC) April 21, 2023
Canadian police investigate theft of nearly $15 million of gold and other valuables from a holding facility at Toronto Pearson International Airport pic.twitter.com/QzShIWkGCx
— TRT World Now (@TRTWorldNow) April 21, 2023
大多伦多机场管理局(Greater Toronto Airports Authority)得知有这起窃盗案,称窃贼进到租给第3方的仓库公共区域,位置已在大多伦多机场管理局主要安全线之外。
大多伦多机场管理局今晚在声明中说,这起窃盗案「不涉及多伦多皮尔森国际机场(Toronto Pearson International Airport)本身内部区域,没有对乘客或大多伦多机场管理局员工构成威胁」。
本新闻授权来自中央通讯社 cna.com.tw