感人! 双亲在毕业典礼前过世,在台下为他鼓掌的竟是…

| June 1, 2015

This was such a special moment. Thank you class of 2015 for making this such a memorable occasion for our family. So proud of you @kazz418 I love you so much. Throughout all of this you have been so strong and we are so proud of you. Thank you for being such a great brother. I am so excited to see what the future holds for you. I know mom and bubba are so proud of you. Again, love you brother and thank you for being who you are.Kazzie Portie

Posted by Blake Henning on Saturday, May 30, 2015

Kazzie Portie 的父母 Riley and Emily Portie 在5月24日骑乘摩托车外出时,被一名酒后驾驶的车辆撞击致死,当时值勤的警察 Eric Ellison上门告知他们的小儿子Kazzie这个噩耗。

当 Eric Ellison 得知过几天就是毕业典礼,于是决定替 Kazzie 的父母在台下为他鼓掌!



Credit: Buzzfeed

Ellison实现诺言,参加了 Little Cypress–Mauriceville High School 的毕业典礼,等著 Kazzie 领完证书后给他一个大大的拥抱。


Credit: Buzzfeed

在 Kazzie 走上台时,全场起立鼓掌,他的哥哥 Blake Henning 感动的说「这是一个特别的时刻,谢谢2015毕业生们让这一刻如此值得纪念」

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