
| January 21, 2013

The winter months are the perfect time to eat warm, comfort foods and share quality time withfamily and friends. The hot pot cooking style of cooking meat and seafood in a boiling pot of
broth has been around for more than 1,000 years in China and has become a traditional style ofcooking here in the U.S. as well.

What types of food do you like to cook or eat to keep you warm during the winter time? Take apicture of your favorite hot pot or comfort food, share it with us, and you could win a $100
gift card that you can use at your favorite restaurant with your family and friends.

Here’s how:

  • 1. Go to Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/nielsenchinese/app_190322544333196 and like our page
  • 2. Register your name, email address and Instagram username.
  • 3. Follow Nielsen’s Instagram feed @NielsenChinese on Instagram, AND
  • 4. Go to Instagram to upload and submit a photograph reflecting “My Favorite Hot Pot/Winter Food” with hashtag #NielsenChinese until February 5, 2013.


Have fun and we look forward to seeing your photos!

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