电Gadget: HTC EVO 3D 智慧型手机
Now your photos can have as much depth as the moment itself. HTC EVO 3D captures your photos and videos in 3D, plus you can view them without the glasses. The stunning 4.3-inch QHD display gives you crisp websites, vivid images and incredibly fluid videos.
嫌戴3D眼镜太麻烦吗? HTC发表了最新裸视3D技术的智慧型手机HTC EVO 3D哦!搭载500万画素双摄影机(前镜头是130万画素、固定焦距),不仅可拍一般照片及Full HD影片,连3D格式也没问题;而4.3 吋的QHD萤幕,势必让视觉的享受更大幅提升。另外,喜欢用手机打发无聊时间或看影片的朋友,此次还有新的HTC Watch影片随选服务!也就是几乎不需等待就可随时从HD高画质影片资料库中挑选自己想看的电影,不晓得这些新功能对你有吸引力吗?
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