RMA/Customer Service
- Job Type 工作類型: Full Time 全職
- Position 職位: RMA/Customer Service
- Company 公司: PLPC
- City / 城市: City of Indurstry
- Zip Code / 郵遞區號: 91748
- State / 州: California
- Email / 電子信箱: jobs@plpc.com
- Listed: December 9, 2021 3:25 pm
- Expires: This ad has expired
Computer distributor located in City of Industry. We are hiring the following positions,
- RMA/Customer Service: familiar with return procedures of merchandise, 1-2 yrs. experience prefers, basic computer literate is a must. Fluent in English. Bilingual Chinese or Spanish Prefer.
We offer health benefit, PTO and 401K. Please email your resume to jobs@plpc.com and mention the position you are applying.
Listing ID: 43161b23df7d58a4