Tag: Fairplex

展開為期16天的 LA County Fair 盛大揭開序幕啦!

展開為期16天的 LA County Fair 盛大揭開序幕啦!

| May 7, 2024 | 0 Comments


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小精靈陪你過聖誕 Elf on the Shelf 聖誕 Drive-Thru 活動(11/12~1/3)

小精靈陪你過聖誕 Elf on the Shelf 聖誕 Drive-Thru 活動(11/12~1/3)

| September 21, 2020 | 0 Comments


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LA Cookie Convention and Sweets Show 西岸最大型烘焙展:洛杉磯甜食烘焙展 (2/29-3/1)

LA Cookie Convention and Sweets Show 西岸最大型烘焙展:洛杉磯甜食烘焙展 (2/29-3/1)

| February 19, 2020 | 0 Comments


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STEA²M Fair 家庭科學博覽會 (3/6-7)

STEA²M Fair 家庭科學博覽會 (3/6-7)

| February 19, 2020 | 0 Comments


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充滿歡樂的萬聖節慶祝活動!Pumpkin Nights 南瓜之夜回歸 (10/10-11/3)

充滿歡樂的萬聖節慶祝活動!Pumpkin Nights 南瓜之夜回歸 (10/10-11/3)

| September 27, 2019 | 0 Comments

萬聖節月除了可以帶小朋友去 Trick or Treat 或主題樂園外,最近又有新的好去處介紹給大家!

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