麥當勞最新推出的收藏家餐點包含六款可收藏的杯子,將一些粉絲最愛的收藏品重新帶回餐單,推出了一款全天供應的餐點,這款餐點附帶的紀念杯重新演繹了懷舊的快樂兒童餐玩具,從可口可樂北極熊到 Hello Kitty ,應有盡有,快來看看它們的樣子!!

McDonald’s is launching the Collector’s Meal which features six collectible cups. McDonald’s

McDonald’s is launching the Collector’s Meal which features six collectible cups. McDonald’s
每份餐點將於8月13日開始供應,並附有一個以六款過去經典收藏品為靈感設計的收藏杯:芭比和風火輪(Hot Wheels) 、Beanie Babies、可口可樂、Hello Kitty 和 Peanuts、史瑞克、侏羅紀公園和小黃人,最後是麥當勞,展示了1988年的牛仔雞塊伙伴和1993年的麥當勞飛車等經典角色。

McDonald’s is launching the Collector’s Meal which features six collectible cups. McDonald’s

McDonald’s is launching the Collector’s Meal which features six collectible cups. McDonald’s

McDonald’s is launching the Collector’s Meal which features six collectible cups. McDonald’s
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