尼泊爾籍退役軍人 攻頂聖母峰膝上截肢第一人
'My climb is all about changing the perception of people with a disability.'
Double amputee and former Gurkha soldier Hari Budha Magar has conquered Everest. He has become the first double above-the-knee amputee to scale the world's highest peak. 👏 pic.twitter.com/tEeOuyTwsW
— Good Morning Britain (@GMB) May 22, 2023
馬加爾(Hari Budha Magar)19日下午約3時之際,攀上聖母峰(Everest)之巔,在成功登頂後,他已撤退到基地營,明天將回到加德滿都(Kathmandu)。
現年43歲的馬加爾2010年隨廓爾喀旅(Brigade of Gurkhas)服役於阿富汗時,不幸踩到土製爆裂物。廓爾喀旅由被招募加入英軍的尼泊爾人組成。
目前已有兩位雙腿膝下截肢的登山客登頂聖母峰,分別是紐西蘭的殷格里斯(Mark Inglis)和中國的夏伯渝,兩人分別於2006年和2018年完成壯舉。
穿戴義肢的馬加爾過去除曾在懷特島(Isle of Wight)附近划船外,也攀登過包括摩洛哥的圖卜卡勒峰(Mount Toubkal),及蘇格蘭的本尼維斯山 (Ben Nevis) 、歐洲的白朗峰(Mont Blanc)等名岳。
BREAKING NEWS – Hari Budha Magar creates history as he successfully conquers Everest
At around 3pm on May 19th, Hari stood victorious atop the world’s tallest mountain as the first ever double above-knee amputee to scale Mt Everest.Thirteen years after losing his legs in… pic.twitter.com/a24j5ZYkvo
— Hari Budha Magar (@Hari_BudhaMagar) May 20, 2023
Update from Hari’s Team Off the Mountain – Just an update to say that earlier this week Hari and team went back up the mountain and today went from camp 2 to camp 3 successfully and will make the push for the summit over the coming days, weather and conditions dependant.
Hari… pic.twitter.com/IVRm6Kbj5q
— Hari Budha Magar (@Hari_BudhaMagar) May 17, 2023
政府旅遊局官員寇瑞拉(Bigyan Koirala)表示,今年的登山季,已經有將近450名登山家成功登頂聖母峰。
本新聞授權來自中央通訊社 cna.com.tw