銀幕硬漢男星 Tom Sizemore 腦瘤昏迷 傳家屬考慮臨終相關事宜
根據美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)今晚收到的經紀人聲明,銀幕硬漢湯姆賽斯摩(Tom Sizemore)的家屬在聽取醫師團隊的醫療最新報告後,目前「正考慮臨終相關事宜」。
湯姆賽斯摩經紀人拉戈(Charles Lago)在聲明中說:「醫師團隊告知家屬已經沒有希望了,建議做臨終(end of life)決定。家屬目前正在考慮相關事宜,並將於星期三(3月1日)發布進一步聲明。」
I see the anti-vaccine crowd has wasted zero time pouncing on Tom Sizemore's aneurysm and blame it on Covid vaccination.
Tom was a 61-year-old man with a history of drug problems since he was 15.
What next will they blame on the shot, the earthquake in Turkey? pic.twitter.com/t6gXHSYgfr
— Robert Vincent: Since 1984 (@RobertVincent3) February 28, 2023
底特律出生的湯姆賽斯摩在1990、2000年代演出過不少叫好叫座的犯罪片及戰爭電影,包括「烈火悍將」(Heat)、「閃靈殺手」(Natural Born Killers)、「珍珠港」(Pearl Harbor)以及「黑鷹計劃」(Black Hawk Down)等。
但他最廣為人知的作品或許是二戰片「搶救雷恩大兵」(Saving Private Ryan)。
For a good ten or twelve years, Tom Sizemore was kind of the ultimate "oh, *this* guy is in this? fuck yeah this movie is gonna rule" character actor. pic.twitter.com/Hvaz8YCWBR
— Tony Tost (@tonytost) February 28, 2023
他2003年曾被判家暴罪;2010年曾在訪談中向CNN主持人賴瑞金(Larry King)坦承自己對古柯鹼、海洛因和冰毒上癮;同一年他還參加了真人實境秀「名人療養院」(Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew,暫譯)。
Tom Sizemore…sad to see him go tbh! pic.twitter.com/YRimdlWRBP
— yassifying my child to maintain their anonymity (@therealaaronk) February 28, 2023
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