冬季風暴席捲美國 1000多架航班取消
由於強烈的冬季風暴席捲美國,進出美國的航班有1000多架次被取消,其中約一半來自西南航空公司(Southwest Airlines Co.)。
More than 1,000 Monday flights into or out of the United States have been canceled due to a severe winter storm, with about half of those coming from Southwest Airlines Co.https://t.co/B5PyG6THJL
— Business Today (@business_today) January 31, 2023
For the many passengers whose holiday travel was disrupted by the meltdown at Southwest Airlines, one question now looms large: How — and how much — will they get reimbursed for their troubles?
What Can Stranded Travelers Expect from Southwest?
The troubled carrier says it wil… pic.twitter.com/n3vH2ab7ra— David Cole (@DavidCo53345808) January 28, 2023
西南航空今天取消約12%航班,美國航空集團(American Airlines Group Inc)則取消6%,相當於200架次。

Image via Twitter @htTweets
本新聞授權來自中央通訊社 cna.com.tw