炎熱天氣能源短缺 洛杉今晨 San Fernando Valley 和 KTown 等處6600戶家庭停電
今日(8月19日)上午, San Fernando Valley 部分地區和韓國城有6,600戶家庭遭停電。
LADWP (L.A. Department of Water and Power,洛杉磯市水電局)敦促用戶節約能源,以緩解當前屢破紀錄的熱浪情況。
Checkout this shot of @LACity electricity demand today. Temps peaked at 103 in #DTLA. The red line is today and the green is yesterday. Record hi for 2020 and highest load since 7/6/2018. Thanks to our grid operators and line workers for keeping power to the City flowing. pic.twitter.com/GGhClI6k2S
— LADWP (@LADWP) August 18, 2020
截至今早(8月19日) 5:30,停電主要影響到 Koreatown、Studio City、Van Nuys 和 Valley Village 的居民。Social media 上也有用戶報告了 West Hills 地區電路持續中斷的信息。LADWP 有150萬用戶,其中約1.2萬人在週二晚(8月18日)突遭停電。相關的工作人員對其進行了整夜的修復。
LADWP crews have made rapid progress overnight restoring power to many of the Angelenos affected. Follow @LADWP for further updates.
We have cooling centers open today 12-8 p.m. for anyone needing somewhere to stay cool. Locations and info at https://t.co/RulVSqtAQP.
— MayorOfLA (@MayorOfLA) August 19, 2020
週二(8月18日),洛杉磯國家氣象局報告了多處地區當天新的高溫記錄,包括 Burbank 109°F(42.8°C),Camarillo 95°F(35°C),Long Beach 100°F(37.8°C),Oxnard 90°F(32.2°C),Paso Robles 111°F(43.9°C),Woodland Hills 112°F(44.4°C)和 UCLA 97°F(36.1°C)。預計這場熱浪至少會持續到週四(8月20日)。
We crushed a bunch of records today, as expected. Check out all 7 broken records from our official climate sites. Wowza it was hot in Woodland Hills today! #CAwx #records #LAheat pic.twitter.com/pd4XNrMghP
— NWS Los Angeles (@NWSLosAngeles) August 19, 2020
希望大家節約用電,如關閉不必要的電器使用、空調溫度不要低於78°F、避開 3 p.m. 至10 p.m. 的用電高峰、9點之後再洗衣、電動車儘量在夜間充電等。

Image via @LADWP / Twitter
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