
| May 13, 2020 | 0 Comments


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S t a r b u c k s

         5/31 前,所有醫護人員和第一線抗疫人員,都可得到一份免費的小杯黑咖啡(冷熱皆可),Starbucks 提供一百萬份飲品,有許多醫護人員陸續在 instagram 上分享自拍照。




T r o p i c a l    S m o o t h i e    C a f é

      Tropical Smoothie 推出免費的冰沙要送給辛苦的醫療人員,6/5 以前透過線上申請表格,送出申請以後即可獲得一組免費代碼,目前已經送出了 18 萬份免費冰沙,目標為一百萬份。

Video Thumbnail


換我們來照顧你!暖心店家優惠,照顧第一線抗疫人員 – facebook Video



S n i c k e r s

      Snickers 更大方,不只醫護人員,更要照顧到所有『essential workers』,只要在官網上填好申請表格,就可得到免費的 Snicker 兌換券,可在 Walmart 兌換。



V e r b   E n e r g y   B a r s

      醫護人員忙到虛脫?這時就需要補充體力的好幫手!專門販賣能量棒的 Verb Energy Bars 將會提供 50 萬份免費能量棒給醫護人員們,只要傳送簡訊到 415-915-8372,並且填完申請表格,滿滿的能量全美運送到家!

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Today’s healthcare heroes are working long shifts all day and all night. Despite the exhausting and hard work, they’re powering through. We’ve decided to give our energy to those who need it most. So far, we’ve sent over 60,000 Verb Bars to healthcare workers risking their lives on the front lines. We’re a small team of 16, but we’ve set a goal to send half a million Verb Bars to healthcare workers across the country. Here’s how you can help us spread the #VerbLove: 1️⃣ If you’re a healthcare worker helping those in need, text us @ 415-915-8372 and we’ll send you free Verb Bars. 2️⃣ For every two Verb Bars sold this month, we’re sending one bar to healthcare workers on the front lines. 3️⃣ Many of you asked last month if you can donate. We’ve made that option available online, and 100% of donations will go directly to our initiative. 4️⃣ Share this post on your story to spread the word!

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