這個作品的靈感來自 1973 年的一部捷克/法國電影 La Planète Sauvage,而電影中就曾經出現一隻巨型的人形生物。
Image via ParerStudio
準備好去打卡拍照了嗎?FIGAt7th 位於 735 S. Figueroa,而開放時間為每日早上 11 時至晚上 11 時。
Fantastic Planet (1 min)
Six giant illuminated humanoid figures have invaded our planet. These giants from afar will give audiences the impression that they have just landed and are quietly and gently exploring our ‘fantastic planet’. As with Parer’s globally successful public art exhibit Intrude, these forms are not randomly placed sculptures but rather can be strategically placed to give the impression that the giant humanoids have taken over an entire land or cityscape.
Inspiration for this light installation has been taken from the 1973 Czech/ French film Fantastic Planet (French: La Planète sauvage). This stop motion science fiction film directed by René Laloux depicted a story set in an unimaginably distant future in a world of gargantuan humanoids and where human beings are a feral race. This view is shared by naturalist and television presenter David Attenborough, where he has stated that humans are threatening their own existence and that of other species by using up the world’s resources. “We are a plague on the Earth. It’s not just climate change; it’s sheer space, places to grow food for this enormous horde. Either we limit our growth or the natural world will do it for us,” he told the BBC Radio Times.
Footage supplied by:
Claus Langer
Cristian Tomoială
Video Atelier
Nikolay Averin
Gabriel Valentin
Sjaak Boer
Paul Harmer