免費兒童套餐+期間限定!IHOP新推The Grinch主題美食正式開售

| October 31, 2018 | 0 Comments

萬聖節過後就是萬眾期待的聖誕節,而 IHOP 已急不及待率先推出聖誕主題的 Pancake 囉!

為了配合將於 11 月 9 日上映的聖誕電影 How the Grinch Stole Christmas!(聖誕怪怪傑 / 鬼靈精 ),IHOP 將推出 6 款期間限定的新菜單,當中包括靈感來自主角 The Grinch 的 Grinch’s Green Pancakes。

Grinch’s Green Pancakes – 在綠色的 Buttermilk Pancake 上淋上奶油芝士糖霜,再加上紅心的糖果裝飾與及超邪惡的綠色奶油而成。

同樣以 The Grinch 為主題的還包括薄荷口味的熱可可 Minty Who Hot Chocolate,並加上綠色奶油與紅心的糖果裝飾。

如果想要來點「正常」的餐點,也可以點新推出的 WhoRoast Beast Omelette 與 Whoville Holiday Cheesecake French Toast,非常適合喜歡牛肉或起司蛋糕的朋友們!


  • Grinch’s Green Pancakes: Two Grinch green buttermilk pancakes topped with sweet cream cheese icing, red candy hearts, crowned with creamy, green whipped topping.
  • Minty Who Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate with mint syrup topped with creamy green whipped topping and red candy hearts.
  • WhoRoast Beast Omelette: An omelette filled with shredded beef, Monterey Jack and cheddar cheeses, sautéed jalapeños, onions and golden hash browns topped with tangy BBQ sauce, more shredded cheese and a serrano pepper. Served with three buttermilk pancakes.
  • Whoville Holiday Cheesecake French Toast: Two King’s Hawaiian rolls, French-toasted and layered with creamy cheesecake filling, raspberry topping and creamy whipped topping.


  • Mt. Crumpit Kids Combo: One Grinch Green buttermilk pancake topped with sweet cream cheese icing, red candy hearts and green whipped topping. Includes one scrambled egg, one bacon strip and one pork sausage link.
  • Young Grinch Minty Who Hot Chocolate: A kid’s sized hot chocolate with mint syrup and topped with creamy green whipped topping and red candy hearts.

合共 6 款美食由即日起至 12 月 31 日可於各大 IHOP 分店享用,而在每天下午 4 時至 10 時期間購買成人餐點,12 歲或以下的兒童更可免費獲得兒童餐點一份喔!



資訊來源:Food & Wine





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Category: Food 美食即時報, Whats Hot

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