之前大熱的《Gone Girl》這次卻空手而歸,實在另小編有些遺憾。女主角Rosamund Pike雖有被提名劇情類最佳女主角,可獎杯最終落在了Julianne Moore 的手裡。而導演David Fincher也與金球無緣,最佳導演的頭銜則由《Boyhood》的Richard Linklater一舉摘得。
此次電視類最大的贏家則是《Transparent》和《The Affair》,分別榮獲了最佳音樂/喜劇類影集,最佳劇情影集,及最佳音樂/喜劇類男主街,最佳劇情類女主角。這令平時一向不太看電視劇的小編,也想去看這兩部劇集了呢!
總體來說,今年的金球獎算是圓滿落幕了,得獎的會更有信心衝向奧斯卡,而那些沒能得獎的也許能在奧斯卡中力挽狂瀾。究竟後事如何,還請大家關注在2月22的87th Oscar Award吧!
最佳劇情類影片– Best Motion Picture – Drama
劇情類最佳女主角- Best Actress in a Motion Picture, Drama
Julianne Moore (Still Alice)
劇情類最佳男主角– Best Actor In A Motion Picture, Drama
Eddie Redmayne (The Theory of Everything)
最佳音樂/喜劇類影片 – Best Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy
The Grand Budapest Hotel
音樂/喜劇類最佳女主角– Best Actress In A Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy
Amy Adams (Big Eyes)
音樂/喜劇類最佳男主角– Best Actor In A Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy
Michael Keaton (Birdman)
最佳動畫片– Best Animated Feature Film
How To Train Your Dragon 2
最佳外語片– Best Foreign Language Film
劇情類最佳女配角– Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture
Patricia Arquette (Boyhood)
劇情類最佳男配角– Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture
J.K. Simmons (Whiplash)
最佳導演– Best Director – Motion Picture
Richard Linklater (Boyhood)
最佳編劇– Best Screenplay – Motion Picture
Alejandro González Iñárritu, Nicolás Giacobone, Alexander Dinelaris, Armando Bo (Birdman)
最佳配樂– Best Original Score – Motion Picture
Jóhann Jóhannsson (The Theory Of Everything)
最佳音樂– Best Original Song
喬治克隆尼George Clooney
最佳劇情類影集– Best TV Series, Drama
The Affair
最佳劇情類影集女主角– Best Actress in a TV Series, Drama
Ruth Wilson (The Affair)
最佳劇情類影集男主角– Best Actor in a TV Series, Drama
Kevin Spacey (House of Cards)
最佳音樂/喜劇類影集– Best TV Series, Musical or Comedy
最佳音樂/喜劇類女主角– Best Actress in a TV Series, Musical or Comedy
Gina Rodriguez (Jane The Virgin)
最佳音樂/喜劇類男主角– Best Actor in a TV Series, Musical or Comedy
Jeffrey Tambor (Transparent)
最佳迷你劇/電視電影– Best TV Movie or Mini-Series
最佳迷你劇/電視/電影女主角– Best Actress in a Mini-Series or TV Movie
Maggie Gyllenhaal (The Honorable Woman)
最佳迷你劇/電視/電影男主角– Best Actor in a Mini-Series or TV Movie
Billy Bob Thornton (Fargo)
最佳迷你劇/電視/電影女配角– Best Supporting Actress in a Series, Mini-Series or TV Movie
Joanne Froggatt (Downton Abbey)
最佳迷你劇/電視/電影男配角– Best Supporting Actor in a Series, Mini-Series or TV Movie
Matt Bomer (The Normal Heart)
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