一位来自南台湾的知名公仔设计师 – Nakanari

| July 15, 2012

Tony Shiau (Nakanari)是来自台湾高雄的设计师, 约1993年左右移民至美国发展, 目前定居在Florida。
Nakanari是个不曾接受过正规设计课程训练的艺术工作者, 2008年开始和朋友soujohn合作, 创立自有品牌Mai Hiro.Mai Hiro。

Nakanari的创作风格独特, 擅长以新鲜活泼的色彩营造出生动的图像, 创作的角色线条明快俐落,色彩明亮而丰富, 同时其角色设定, 具有强烈个人特色, 将艺术元素融入玩具设计概念, 颇受好评。 更多关于 Nakanari


上个月21日,WaCowLA 受邀出席 Nakanari 与 Kidrobot 联名合作的公仔发表签名会,以下是专访内容:

W: 这次与 Kidrobot联名,能稍微谈一下合作的概念与Spiki 这个角色的创作过程吗?

T: When I go about designing a new character or family of characters, I try to breathe life into them and give them their own life stories of who they are and how they came to be. Each of them has their own background story. For example, my Spiki is a super ninja in his mind, and he spends his time daydreaming of how he might save the world in different situations. Whatever he tries to do is accomplished in a humorous manner- he’s a lovable character with good intentions but sometimes not quite as skilled as he might think. In the end, though, he comes through and saves the day!

The idea of the Ninja Spiki dunny originated from an 8″ dunny custom that I created for a private collector. The finished piece looked great and was one of the favorites that I had done, so we (Mai Hiro) pitched the design for the mini series. In order to distinguish it from other figures in the series, we added more intricate details like Spiki’s flowing red scarf and a bloody splattered bandage. I’m happy with the final production version and how close it was to my original design.

W: 透过这个 Dunny Series 2012,你希望传达给大家甚么讯息?

T: Every toy has its own message and concept behind its production. The Dunny is one of the most popular mini-series since the designer toy movement was brought to America and became huge. When facing the challenge of designing something original for a blank canvas figure that has been around for years, I just let my mind wander to bring a unique composition to reality. I didn’t worry about what has been done in the past, I just did my own thing and remembered that creativity is beautiful and can move people to feel happy.

W: 我们都知道你在公仔设计的领域小有名气,那亚洲的粉丝朋友跟欧美的粉丝朋友在跟你的互动上会有很大的差别吗?

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