一位來自南台灣的知名公仔設計師 – Nakanari

| July 15, 2012

T: I’m not really sure if there is a difference between Asian and American fans…I believe both fans are passionate in supporting art and the artists that create it. It is essential to me to always answer my email and questions from fans. I truly appreciate their time and support through all these years that I’ve been making art.

W: 是否在創作過程中,遭遇過甚麼挫折? 是否擔心過市場接受度不大?

T: Well, with any production there are challenges that arise, such as with factories meeting quality control standards, but I realize that there are budget and time constraints and there are no 100% perfect limited edition products. Time and patience is essential for producing new toy designs, especially working with sculptors and production companies. I tend to market my toys through contact channels, distribution, and I deal with certain store owners who are my friends before I push to the market so that I can reduce the risks.

W: 你的創作靈感都源自於生活上的那些人事物?

T: I’m a daydreamer (just like Spiki!). I believe that everyone has at least one dream that motivates them. Even if it is far-fetched and unlikely that they would achieve it in reality, they feel it inside them. It’s just like the idea that everyone secretly would love to become a super hero- that’s why comic books are so popular! People can simply relate. Spiki is a super ninja in his mind, and he spends his time daydreaming of how he can overcome evil in this or that scenario. He is small and funny but the end the day he still saves the world. I just think people can relate to that!

W: 將來是否還會再創造其他新的人物角色? In future will you still creating new character?

T: While I am never opposed to expanding the Mai Hiro universe, a majority of my current focus is Spiki fused with different characters from my fond childhood memories such as Doraemon or Hello Kitty…but who knows what is next?!


W: 可否跟WaCowLA 的讀者朋友說些話?

T: I’m a self-taught artist, and I believed in my dream. If you fight for your own personal dream by working hard and developing yourself, then one day you can achieve it! The day might not be tomorrow or the following day, but if you keep at it- one day you will reach it!


文字整理: 007  /  圖片: Viola

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一位來自南台灣的知名公仔設計師 – Nakanari

◆ Tony Shiau (Nakanari)是來自台灣高雄的設計師, 約1993年左右移民至美國發展, 目前定居在Florida。 Nakanari是個不曾接受過正規設計課程訓練的藝術工作者, 2008年開始和朋友soujohn合作, 創立自有品牌Mai Hiro.Mai Hiro。 Nakanari的創作風格獨特, 擅長以新鮮活潑的色彩營造出生動的圖像, 創作的角色線條明快俐落,色彩明亮而豐富, 同時其角色設定, 具有強烈個人特色, 將藝術元素融入玩具設計概念, 頗受好評。 更多關於 Nakanari . 上個月21日,WaCowLA 受邀出席 Nakanari 與 Kidrobot 聯名

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