【寶島雙雄】 Double Trouble 6/8 北美上映

| May 31, 2012

Ocean, who works as a security guard in his own neighborhood, wins a raffle prize of a vacation in Taiwan.  While visiting the museum, he becomes the only witness to the theft of the painting by international crime boss Z.

Jay forces Ocean to join him on the quest to retrieve the painting.  While on the road, the two guys are constantly at each other’s throats, but eventually learn to put aside their differences and work together as a team.

Realizing that the painting has been misplaced as luggage in Ocean’s tour bus, Jay and Ocean chase after the bus, fending off Z’s female assassins- V and M.  A spectacular fight on the highway takes place as all mayhem breaks out.

With the help of betel nut-beauties, temple mascots, and local gangster Boss Wu, the two heroes finally locate Z’s headquarters near the Kaohsiung harbor.  A final fight is on before Z’s boat arrives at sunrise to take the painting away!



 雙男主角動作喜劇Buddy-buddy action comedy)是好萊塢經久不衰,永遠賣座的喜劇類型。同時相對於動作大片又是低成本製作,非常適合中國市場。






 1976年生於彰化市,由於家裡開電影院,自小耳濡目染而與電影結下了不解之緣。 13歲開始學攝影並移民加拿大。 2004年回到華人電影世界擔任副導等工作。精通普通話,粵語,英語,法語。


 • 2005 宅變 (陳正道作品)

 • 2005 國士無雙 (陳映蓉作品)

 • 2006 6號出口 (林育賢作品)

 • 2007 不能說的秘密 (周杰倫作品)

 • 2007 謎屍 (徐克作品)

 • 2007 There’s Only One Sun (王家衛 Philips 短片)

 • 2007 我在墾丁、天氣晴 (鈕承澤作品偶像劇)

 • 2008 淚王子 (楊凡作品)

 • 2009 通天神探狄仁傑 (徐克作品)

 • 2010 戀愛通告臺北組 (王力宏作品)



 • 2003 Belly of the Beast(制裁者)

 • 2003 White Noise(鬼訊號)

 • 2003 Going the Distance

 • 2003 Jiminy Glick “Lalawood”

 • 2004 Alone in the Dark(異形鬼屋)

 • 2004 Edison(驚爆頭條內幕)

• 2004 The Long Weekend(哥哥我還要)


• 1993 SVHS短片「Cinderella ‘93」-(英屬哥倫比亞學生電影評審獎)

 • 1996 V8短片「Alone?

 • 1998 16釐米短片「Quest for Fire」- (英屬哥倫比亞學生電影獎首獎)

• 2001 DV短片「感冒噴霧劑」-(電影神話影展入圍佳作)


 • 1999 「痞子蔡的第一次親密接觸」

 • 2001 When a Man Loves a Woman

 • 2003 The Party









上映的北美 AMC 影院:

AMC Atlantic Times Square 14 

AMC Santa Anita 16

華獅電影發行公司 海外發行

Chinalion Film Distribution Inc.


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