AVIIQ Ready Clips 就算是傳輸線也要很有型
我KT身為3C宅界的潮男出門在外一定會隨身攜帶各種3C產品。可是…….如果我的3C 玩具連接電腦還用那原廠附贈醜醜的 USB 線不就整個 low 掉了?! AViiQ 所推出的Ready Clip 除了具有時尚的外型和細緻的質感還可以跟鋼筆一樣夾在袋子的口袋上呢,真的是好看又實用! 當然除了最基本的 Mini USB 之外, 當然還有 Apple 系列用的轉接頭。
Tired of carrying a tangled mess of charging cables in your bag? You can take a look at the USB Mini Cable Kit by Incase, or let Aviiq Ready Clips straighten things out for you.
These pen-sized cables feature a built-in clip that holds them securely in place, a flat, tangle-free cord, a standard USB plug on one end, and your choice of mini USB, micro USB, or Apple 30-pin connectors on the other, ensuring that there’s one to work with your device of choice.
The Aviiq Ready Clips are available for $30 at the official website…