人妻廚房 – Morton’s Chocolate Soufflé 舒芙蕾
打發蛋白(這過程是關鍵):使用手提攪拌機用高速打蛋白30秒直到發泡時,這時泡沫顆粒粗大,慢慢的加入6匙的砂糖,避免一口氣將糖全部倒入,最好是一邊不停地打著蛋白,一邊慢慢的 一次倒一點的加入 ,加入糖之後將電動打蛋器速度調到最快,繼續打發蛋白約90秒:蛋白的泡沫會越來越細膩,從鬆散的泡沫狀變成可以勾勒出不會消失的紋路;繼續用高速打直到將打蛋器提起時,蛋白會在尾端形成下垂的勾子,這就是溼性發泡~這時蛋白霜就完成了!不可以打太久太乾變成乾性發泡!
9. Stir the copped chocolate into the pudding. Using a rubber spatula, fold one-third of the egg whites into the pudding until well blended. Use the rubber spatula to scrape this mixture back into the bowl containing the whites.
Gently fold the pudding and whites together until mixed and no white spots remain. Once this happens, stop folding so that you won’t deflate the whites. From this point onward, work steadily. Do not rush but do not stop unitl the soufflé are in the oven.
10. Divide the soufflé mixture between the dishes, filling each about three-quarters full. With the rubber spatula, form a peak in the center of each soufflé. Transfer the soufflé dishes to baking pan large enough to hold them (we use one that measure 9 x 13 inches). Pour enough hot water to come two-thirds of the way up the sides of the soufflé dishes.
將舒芙蕾混合物分裝在舒芙蕾模裡,差不多3/4滿即可;用橡皮刀將中間用的尖尖的樣子;將舒芙蕾模裝入一個9x 13吋的烤盤,加入熱水到差不多2/3的烤盤高度 (熱水澡)
11. Carefully transfer the baking pan to the oven. Bake for 28 to 30 minutes or until the soufflé rises about 2 inches above the rim and the surface is darkened.
小心翼翼的將裝熱水以及舒芙蕾模的烤盤放入烤箱裡;烤個28至30分鐘 或是舒芙蕾澎起超出模口2寸高,表面顏色也變為較深時
12. Carefully remove the soufflé dishes from the water bath. Dust each with confectioners’ sugar.
帶烤箱手套小心地將舒芙蕾模從烤盤熱水澡中取出;在上層撒上滿滿的Confectioners’ Sugar就完成啦!
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Category: LifeStyle生活, 人妻廚房, 廚Cooking