#3 Demi Kuo – 2012 Jam the Web

| May 18, 2011

#3 Demi Kuo

1. Self Intro – Tell us little bit about yourself, your background and your Asian ethnicity.

My name is Demi Kuo, I’m 23 years old from Taiwan

2. How long have you been doing music on YouTube?

I’ve been doing music on YouTube for about a year or so, I really enjoy doing it because it gives me an opportunity to show people what I like. Also, by reading those comment helps me to improve a bit.

3. What are you trying to achieve through your YouTube music?

I am not trying to achieve a specific goal on YouTube music, I’m doing it because I like singing and playing guitar.  I’m doing this YouTube music as my hobbit and it kills most of my leisure time.

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