车Auto:Volkswagen The 21st Century Beetle 新世代金龟车来袭

| May 10, 2011


福斯(Volkswagen)第二代金龟车New Beetle的后继车款The 21st Century Beetle终于现身!光看侧面就已经感受到与New Beetle的差异了吧?虽然依旧是俏皮的圆弧造型,但原本的微笑曲线已经被修长车身所取代,而且车顶还是全景式天窗唷!整个外观让我有种小金龟从可爱变时髦成熟的感觉。同样热爱Beetle的金龟迷们,你觉得如何呢?

车Auto:Volkswagen The 21st Century Beetle 新世代金龟车来袭

福斯(Volkswagen)第二代金龟车New Beetle的后继车款The 21st Century Beetle终于现身!光看侧面就已经感受到与New Beetle的差异了吧?虽然依旧是俏皮的圆弧造型,但原本的微笑曲线已经被修长车身所取代,而且车顶还是全景式天窗唷!整个外观让我有种小金龟从可爱变时髦成熟的感觉。同样热爱Beetle的金龟迷们,你觉得如何呢? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cme6jK0UG20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXb4GrbapNc The 2012 VW Beetle will be rev

Video Thumbnail

21st Century Beetle 2012: The Return of an Icon [HD]

福斯(Volkswagen)第二代金龟车New Beetle的后继车款The 21st Century Beetle终于现身!光看侧面就已经感受到与New Beetle的差异了吧?虽然依旧是俏皮的圆弧造型,但原本的微笑曲线已经被修长车身所取代,而且车顶还是全景式天窗唷!整个外观让我有种小金龟从可爱变时髦成熟的感觉。同样热爱Beetle的金龟迷们,你觉得如何呢? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cme6jK0UG20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXb4GrbapNc The 2012 VW Beetle will be rev

The 2012 VW Beetle will be revealed to the public in a spectacular world debut on three continents. The reveal will begin in Shanghai, China with an exclusive MTV Sound System celebration hosted by MTV VJ’s, followed by MTV World Stage events in Berlin and New York City.

At the MTV World Stage event in New York City, presented by the 21st Century Beetle, The Black Eyed Peas will perform their most popular hits, including material from their latest album, “The Beginning.” At the Berlin MTV World Stage event, Belgian duo 2manydjs will headline and perform a DJ set at the city’s E-Werk space. The New York performance will be streamed live on www.WorldStage.MTV.com (except in the UK), with highlights later broadcast on MTV networks around the world, making it the most widely distributed World Stage event to date. Highlights from both the New York and Berlin events will also be available online.

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