Fosselman L.A.著名的手工冰淇淋
位於阿罕布拉市的 Fosselman 傳統手工冰淇淋專賣店,這家的老闆是從上世紀家族就一直是賣冰淇淋的。他們強調最天然健康、新鮮低脂、乳脂冰淇淋及水果冰淇淋。小小的店裡共有三十幾種超人氣口味,由其每年暑期一到為了迎合年輕族群喜歡嘗鮮的特性,老闆特別推出獨特創意的新口味。像我們這次享用到的就是芋頭乳脂冰淇淋和水蜜桃新鮮水果冰淇淋,不但口感滑順濃,還有吃到新鮮果粒喔!
The Scene
Smartly outfitted in strawberry pink and chocolate brown, bentwood chairs and Tiffany-inspired lampshades, this ice cream parlor is the real deal. It boasts a bona fide Main Street address and the Fosselman’s family recipes. Join throngs of families agonizing over tiny sample spoons and which of the 47 flavors to pick.
Category: Restaurants 美食推薦餐廳, 冰Ice Cream, 區Alhambra