特企Top Idol:東森新人王特別企劃實戰技巧篇 – 如何保護你的喉嚨及聲帶 How to take care of your throat to achieve a better singing state

| June 15, 2010



希望這些小貼士能夠給各位一些幫助,您若是有知道還有其他保養喉嚨的小秘方,歡迎你來留言跟大家分享交流一下喔 ~


 The most important thing before the contest, is to take care of your throat to achieve a better singing state.

If you find that, when you sing, your voice gets hoarse, you need to take care of your soar throat quickly and find out how often you get your sore throat.  Is it when you sing with a wrong part of your vocal chord?  Did you stress your voice too much and forgot to protect your vocal chord?

What you need to remember, if you want your voice to be in a better singing state all the time, is that the voice is an instrument. You need to understand how your voice works better and learn to take care of it.  Once you learn how to control the airflow through your vocal chord and to how breathe properly while singing, you’ll find that your voice will steadily improve with time. You should have much less hoarseness.

Most importantly, relax.  Take the stress off yourself and you’ll take the stress off your voice.  Singing should be a fun activity not a source of suffering.  Have some patience and you will learn how to work together with your voice.

If you find yourself having a soar throat, be sure to avoid products that contain alcohol, sugar and chocolate.  They will dry out your vocal chords and make matters worse.  You should also avoid greasy food, dairy products and other things that will coat your throat.

Also, do not eat spicy food, it will give a lot of stress to your vocal chord.

Drink plenty of water.  You can also make some tea with Fruited Sterculia Seeds (do not over consumed).

If you have any other tips on how to take care of your soar throat, you are welcome to share with our readers! Just leave us your comments!

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