Tag: special

Oreo 特別版《星際大戰》餅乾來了!!裡面有驚喜喔~

Oreo 特別版《星際大戰》餅乾來了!!裡面有驚喜喔~

| May 20, 2024 | 0 Comments


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May 4th齊慶星際大戰日!超過50+星戰周邊商品優惠報你知

May 4th齊慶星際大戰日!超過50+星戰周邊商品優惠報你知

| May 4, 2018 | 0 Comments


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Ready To Paaaaarty!洛杉磯特式活動場地推薦

Ready To Paaaaarty!洛杉磯特式活動場地推薦

| April 24, 2018 | 0 Comments

在洛杉磯這個 Big City 隱藏著不少特式的派對場地,總有一款適合熱愛派對的你!

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The Coffee Bean 特價日$2 Latte (1/13,20,27)

The Coffee Bean 特價日$2 Latte (1/13,20,27)

| January 12, 2014

早上10am以後任何小杯Latte Macchiato 只要$2,可選擇的口味有Caramel, Vanilla Bean以及Dark Chocolate。

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Tony Roma’s $8 特價烤雞餐 (8/6 only)

Tony Roma’s $8 特價烤雞餐 (8/6 only)

| August 6, 2013


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