Six Disneyland park attractions will be closed for seasonal refurbishments after the busy summer season and just in time for Halloween crowds to hit the Anaheim theme park. (Renee Schiavone/Patch)
根據迪士尼樂園的說法,印第安納瓊斯冒險(Indiana Jones Adventure)將從 9 月 9 日至 9 月 13 日關閉,之後叢林巡航船隻( Jungle Cruise boat ride)將於 9 月 16 日至 10 月 3 日關閉。而“小小世界”(Small World)將於 9 月 16 日至 11 月 14 日關閉,以便園區工作人員為其冬季假日季節的年度轉變做準備。
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