美截肢非裔男遭警連轟10槍身亡 警察暴力爭議再起[影]
Huntington Park, California police officers shoot dead Anthony Lowe Jr, a double amputee man who tried to run away from them on the stumps of his legs. The cops said they were afraid Lowe would throw the knife he had at them. pic.twitter.com/y4FjqED4Hy
— Mike Sington (@MikeSington) January 31, 2023
法新社報導,目擊者從不同角度拍攝的影片顯示,被控刺傷他人、並遭員警以武器瞄準後,36歲非裔男子洛威(Anthony Lowe)決定拋棄輪椅逃生,警察隨即發射約10發子彈,導致洛威當場斃命。
洛杉磯郡(Los Angeles County)亨丁敦公園市(Huntington Park)警方表示,他們於上月26日下午3時許接獲報案,稱1名坐在輪椅上的男子無端刺傷他人,數名警員隨即前往現場處理。
Compare police reaction to white guy with knife. Huntington Park, CA, 26 Jan police officers shoot dead Anthony Lowe Jr, a double amputee man who tried to run away from them on the stumps of his legs. The cops said they were afraid Lowe would throw the knife he had at them. pic.twitter.com/fEY2CU1yY5
— Martin Walsh 🇺🇦 (@martinwalsh) February 1, 2023
洛威的家人告訴洛杉磯時報(Los Angeles Times),他患有精神疾病。
In Huntington Park now: @ChristianGHC, one of the attorneys representing Anthony Lowe’s family, announced he has filed a claim against the city, the first step toward a civil lawsuit. 📸: @bfeinzimer pic.twitter.com/0FW2plAtQE
— Julia Barajas (@julia_p_barajas) February 2, 2023
洛威的母親朵蘿西(Dorothy Lowe)今天告訴媒體記者,她希望對兒子的死採取行動,「他們殺死我兒子的方式…我兒子失去雙腿,還坐輪椅,他們確實應該處理此事,我也想為兒子伸張正義」。
「紐約郵報」(New York Post)則引述其家屬說法報導,洛威是在去年在德州與警察發生另場爭執後失去雙腿。
此前,在1月7日,另名29歲非裔男子尼科爾斯(Tyre Nichols)疑因魯莽駕駛遭到攔檢,並被警員拖出車外痛毆,3天後在醫院不治。此案在美國多地掀起抗議浪潮,也引發警察執法過當的討論。案發後,5名涉案警員全數遭到革職,並面臨二級謀殺等罪名。
Also Huntington Park… I just want y’all to note how this homeless man is already laid on the floor stretched out and they still have guns pointed at him. https://t.co/IYtyjMqpF6 pic.twitter.com/TGE82SB9tB
— Leti (@xicote__) February 2, 2023
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