全美 Apple Store 因 George Floyd 抗議活動關門
Apple 公司也在周日接連關閉了包括舊金山和紐約市等處在內的多家門店。甚至,在蘋果旗艦店——紐約曼哈頓店面周圍,還豎起了大柵欄。
Apple store is building a layered barrier around the cube #nyc pic.twitter.com/zvNhyOYgrZ
— alana (@AlanaMarie) June 1, 2020
Apple 公司在周末的一份聲明中說:“考慮到我們團隊的健康和安全,我們已決定在周日關閉美國多家店面。”
Unsurprisingly, many of Apple’s store closures today have been extended at least through tomorrow. They’ll definitely be assessing this situation day by day. It’s hard to imagine stores were boarded up that tight for just one night. pic.twitter.com/6QZj3Y36tW
— Michael Steeber (@MichaelSteeber) June 1, 2020
目前尚不清楚有多少家 Apple Store 將保持關閉,以及它們將關閉多久。很多店面都關閉得很倉促,像 Philadelphia 市中心 Walnut Street 的 Apple Store 和 Minneapolis 的 Apple Store,目前都將被無限期關閉。