Minneapolis George Floyd 事件引發民衆暴動,火燒警察局,CNN 記者被捕….
USA TODAY Network /Sipa USA
5月25日,美國 Minnesota 首府 Minneapolis 發生疑似執法過當事件,46歲非裔男子 George Floyd 遭白人警察壓頸致死,引發種族緊張,當地已接連三日爆發群眾示威,Minnesota 州長 Tim Walz 動用國民兵協助恢復秩序。
Minnesota 州長稍早宣布明尼亞波利斯周邊進入緊急狀態,並動用國民兵維持治安。
Local leaders have requested National Guard after extensive damage to private property and peaceful protests evolved into a dangerous situation. @GovTimWalz declared a peacetime emergency.
— Minnesota HSEM (@MnDPS_HSEM) May 28, 2020
5月28深夜,事態演變得極端暴力,抗議民眾攻佔了當地一個警察分局。警局公關部主任 John Elder 聲明指出,第三警分局在當地時間28日晚間10點後,疏散了建築物內所有工作人員。而抗議民眾強行進入大樓並縱火。
示威民衆齊呼 George Floyd 並齊聲“ I Can’t Breath ”。
This is chilling.
Protestors chant “I Can’t Breathe” after burning down Minneapolis 3rd Precinct.
— Justin L. Hunte (@TheCompanyMan) May 29, 2020
The fire at the MPD’s 3rd Precinct was only at one corner 5 minutes ago. It’s now spread across the entire building. With no firefighters on scene… that building will likely be destroyed tonight. pic.twitter.com/t6p3Yv1KYV
— Seth Kaplan (@Seth_Kaplan) May 29, 2020
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