Surf’s Up San Gabriel 仲夏沙灘慶典 (6/13)
今年的 Surf’s Up San Gabriel 仲夏沙灘慶典要來囉!活動當晚 Mission District 將會充滿音樂與美食,趕快約上親朋好友前來參與!
以沙灘為主題的仲夏慶典 Surf’s Up San Gabriel 活動將於 6 月 13 日於 San Gabriel 區內的 Mission District 舉行,活動當天將會現場音樂、啤酒+葡萄酒園、兒童遊玩區與及大家最期待的餐車坐鎮,絕對是一個充滿吃喝玩樂的慶典喔!
這次活動亦將為 San Gabriel 市的年度 Summer Street Party 活動揭幕,從 6 月 13 日開始至到 8 月 22 日,差不多每週在社區內都有不同的活動,歡迎一家大小前來參與。
【San Gabriel – Summer Street Party 活動名單】
June 20th: Concert & Movie at Marshall Park: Concert act TBA, Back to the Future
June 27th: Jazz Nights at Mission Playhouse Plaza featuring Jazz in Pink
July 11th: Concert & Movie at Vincent Lugo Park: Kids Jam with Disney Favorites, The Greatest Showman Sing Along
July 18th: Jazz Nights at Mission Playhouse Plaza featuring Jennifer Keith Sextet
July 25th: Concert & Movie at Vincent Lugo Park: Mariachi Divas, Book of Life
August 8th: Concert & Movie at Marshall Park: The Classics, Ralph Breaks the Internet
August 15th: Concert & Movie at Vincent Lugo Park: The Answer, Hotel Transylvania 3
August 22nd: Jazz Nights at Mission Playhouse Plaza featuring Louie Cruz Beltran & his Jazz Ensemble
【Surf’s Up San Gabriel 活動資訊】
- 日期:2019年6月13日(四)
- 時間:6pm – 9:30pm
- 地點:San Gabriel Mission Playhouse
- 地址:320 S Mission Dr, San Gabriel, California 91776
- 門票:免費入場
- 官網
資料/圖片來源:City of San Gabriel