6PM.COM限時優惠!全單一律15% OFF!(12/16 only)
喜歡在 6PM.COM 尋寶的朋友們看過來~限時優惠只有今天,使用 COUPON CODE 即享全單15% OFF 優惠!話說小編現在穿的鞋子就是在那邊淘回來的~當時品牌官網還在賣$110USD,但在6PM只需$50USD~(偷笑)
COUPON CODE:6PMEU1216201415112
- 優惠日期:2014年12月16日ONLY!
*Coupon valid on the 6pm website until 11:59pm PST on 12/16/14 or until 25,000 shoppers have used the code. Cannot be combined with other offers or applied to previous purchases. Discount is applied before taxes and shipping, if applicable.
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