限時優惠!BANANA REPUBLIC 官網全單40% OFF!(9/8 only)
喜歡 Banana Republic 這個品牌的朋友們有福囉!限時優惠今天11:59PM EST前於 Banana Republic 官網消費即享全單40% OFF的優惠~
- 優惠截止日期:2014年9月8日11:59PM EST
40% off your purchase: Offer valid from 9/7/2014 at 12:00 AM EST through 9/8/2014 at 11:59 PM EST at Banana Republic online only in the US (including Puerto Rico). Not valid in Canada, at Banana Republic stores or Banana Republic Factory Stores. Discount does not apply to GiftCards, packaging, shipping and handling, applicable taxes, or Banana Republic Factory Store merchandise. No adjustments on previous purchases. Not valid for cash or cash equivalent. Online promotional codes cannot be used on reserve in-store purchases. Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts including the Gap Inc. employee discount.
>> bananarepublic.gap.com <<